Thursday, February 21, 2013

Self Protection

Spirit wants you to know that it's time for you to take a look at the way that you love yourself.  Do you love yourself unconditionally, without criticism or judgment?  Do you compromise yourself or your happiness for other people?  Imagine yourself as a child and you are the father or mother of that child.  Would you allow people to treat that child with disrespect, or to be taken advantage of, or to be treated harshly?  The answer is that you would do everything within your power to comfort and protect that child from harm.  You are being asked to look at your safety and protection, to take steps to protect yourself from internal and external interference while keeping your self esteem intact.  Reinforce your strengths and abilities, and deflect anything that diminishes your sense of your higher purpose.  As you open and express your higher self you open yourself to accelerated lessons and growth experiences.  You may find yourself facing some difficult teachers among the people with whom you come in contact.  You may find yourself confronting issues you'd prefer to keep quietly buried.  Sometimes we feel we have missed opportunities to face a particular lesson in our life.  It is time to free yourself from the attitude that internalizes every situation and interaction.  Remember the people in your life have their own challenges and driving forces.  You are not always at the center of their actions or decisions.  Be kind and loving to yourself and be understanding of others.  If you've been thinking about removing yourself from a situation or relationship it is now time to do so.  Ask for internal guidance.  If there is no need to remain in an uncomfortable and unsupportive relationship, job, or circumstance get out and move on to the next step.  You must always remember to love and protect yourself from any unneeded negativity or frustrations.  Remember, you choose.  You have the power and control always.

Love and Light,

Meditation of the Day:  I seek and trust my own inner guidance during times of change.  I find within these changes the opportunity to be myself without compromise, without fear.  I am truly free. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Way of Balance

Spirit wants you to know you've been given the great power to reason and the capacity for knowledge and understanding.  Your intellect provides you with judgment, rational thinking, and the ability to handle new and difficult situations.  This is a gentle reminder to use it wisely.  Let your mind provide you with the helpful information that you need at any given moment.  Be cautious of getting caught up in the thinking process for its sake alone.  Do not allow yourself to over-think out of fear, self-doubt, or worry.  You must learn to balance your ability to learn and reason with your ability to feel and express emotion.  Thought alone is not enough. You must tap into the information from your heart, your own inner knowing, and allow your heart the opportunity to speak to you along with your intellect to balance any choices that you have.  You have been given the power of the mind but remember to give your heart equal time as well.  Both are necessary to keep you on track.  Let them carry you.  Sometimes your heart will propel you forward and your mind will steer you along your course; other times it will be your curiosity or passion that drives you and your heart that keeps you from straying.  It is important that you trust yourself with this privilege to choose to be guided by your intellect or by your heart.  You must remember one without the other will never secure your best interests for your highest and greatest good. 

Meditation for the Day:  I honor the experiences that have manifested in my life.  I accept my inner knowing along with the support and balance of my own intuition.  I accept responsibility for my decisions or choices and aim always to learn the way of balance. 

In Love and Light,

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Spirit wants you to know that the most beautiful prayer that you can offer is a prayer for healing. You are being asked at this time to either accept healing for yourself that will be coming your way or to offer healing to someone in need. Remember that healing can take place on many levels and may be offered in many ways. The most important is the recognition of the need for healing and the humility to accept that healing. Allow whatever healing is appropriate for you at this time. Spirit always says to ask and it is given. Ask for what you need and do so without expectation of when or how and without limitation. You may ask for healing in a particular area and to your surprise healing of an even deeper wound will occur healing a part of you that will benefit your overall growth and development that you may not have foreseen. The areas of attention for the greatest healing that you need are that of self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, and most of all self-esteem. You need to believe that you are worthy of healing in all of these areas. You must be honest with yourself in order to recognize the area that needs the most healing. Healing your belief system is the first step in healing yourself physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. You must never forget that you are worthy of all of these gifts of healing. 

Meditation for the Day: I am worthy and accept healing in all areas of my life. I love myself. I forgive and accept myself. I am a beautiful spirit who is connected to divine healing that enters into my life.

Love and Light,

Friday, February 8, 2013

Honoring Yourself and Your Accomplishments

Spirit wants you to know that your past action and the faith that you have shown has lead you to the attainment of your higher goal. If you are saying to yourself "I don't feel that I have attained my higher goal", it is time for you to step outside of the drama and chaos in your life and acknowledge the many accomplishments that you have made. You will be experiencing this on both the physical and spiritual levels. Remember it is very important to live your life in gratitude for all that you attain and to congratulate yourself for a job well done and for your patience and perseverance. Your life is full of experiences and growth and is never ending. If you have not yet achieved the fruits of your labor, you are either being asked to use your skills and gifts more fully or to keep faith and to be patient. Success is on its way. There is much to accomplish in life, and it's all waiting for your approach, one step at a time. Understand that you are not to become perfect overnight and that it is a learning process. You must realize that you are more enlightened today than you were a year ago, or 3 years ago, or 5 years ago. Allow spirit to embrace you in your accomplishments and rejoice for the person that you have become.

Love and Light,

 Meditation for the Day: I know and have faith that all that I ask shall be given unto me when the time is right and my heart is open and ready to receive it. I live my life with gratitude each day knowing that I am on the path for my greatest and highest good.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Spirit wants you to know that it may be time for you to consider stirring things up and making some major changes in your life.  It's time for you to realize that you have more control over your life than you think.  How often do you think about how you would like things to be different in your life, but feel you have no choice?  You have to understand that change in your life is but one choice away.  The wind carries seeds to their new place of growth, and the changes that you make in your life loosen the top soil, allowing you to cultivate the new ground to which you have been carried.  You must understand that the only way that you learn is from experience, from change, internal and external, until knowledge is gained and then it becomes life to you.  You must understand that there are times when major changes are called for and other times just a slight adjustment is beneficial.  Whether you make a change in diet, move the furniture, or change the place where you live or your career, is up to you to look within to find the shift that is appropriate for you.  Do not be afraid of change.  Change is your friend.  You came into this life to experience and there is no experience without change.  So if there is a life change that you have been avoiding for fear of the unexpected it is now time to take steps to cultivate that change.
Love and Light,

Meditation for the Day:  I trust the inner promptings of spirit that guide me through change without fear.  I welcome change into my life freely and have faith that it is a benefit to my greatest and highest good. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Spirit wants you to know that you must live in harmony and in balance with who you are. Whatever is not in balance can not effectively take part in the physical or spiritual part of your being. There are ghostlike unbalanced aspects of your own life that you don't notice no matter how clearly these shadow sides of yourself can be seen by others. This is the part of you that you choose not to see. There is a positive and confident side to you that goes unnoticed by you and you can't see this part of you without first your own recognition of it. Be honest with yourself and think about it for a moment; how do other people view you? How does this view differ from your own vision of yourself? Do people tell you that you are loving, giving, beautiful and unselfish? How hard is it for you to accept these positive views of you from other people? It doesn't serve you to push this part of you to the side and not believe it to be true about yourself. Allow yourself to embrace this positive, beautiful, loving and confident self that is inside. Acknowledge its existence, providing these personal traits with a home in your consciousness. You may find that some of these disregarded traits have been giving you support and strength going unnoticed or hidden by the negative perspective of yourself. This inner self is going unloved and unnurtured because you refuse to see the good in yourself. Let go of the negativity that you hold onto. And by loving and appreciating yourself in all aspects of your life you will allow spirit to guide you on your path.

Meditation for the Day: I welcome all aspects of my life into the light of my consciousness for recognition and healing of my inner self. I claim my inner peace and harmony as I release the negative perspective which I hold of myself.

Love and Light,