Saturday, May 4, 2013

Understanding Duality

Spirit wants you to know that you must understand that there is duality in all things.  A positive and a negative.  A light and a dark.  A good and a bad.  The internal and external.  The masculine and feminine aspects of all of life.  Allow yourself to see both sides of every situation.  And allow yourself to see the whole picture.  What is being shown to you is only one perspective.  Try to allow yourself to see the other perspective.  Rather than seeing the negative that you expect to see, open yourself to see the "other" side that has been blocked from your view.  Remember the two sides exist simultaneously within the whole.  Allowing yourself to see the negative can allow you to experience and be grateful for the positive in your life.  As you think thoughts of gratitude, close your eyes, take a deep breathe in through your nose and exhale gratitude for what has been given to you.  It is time to stop resisting life and start living your life to the fullest.  Stop denying yourself the life that you want or wish you had.  You have the right to breathe in all that you can and experience the joy of being alive.  When you find yourself in stress or with anxiety stop for a moment, close your eyes, breathe in deeply and allow your body to relax; releasing any of the negativity inside you about what you are experiencing right now.  By doing this it allows you to see your life and your experience with more clarity.  This allows you to transform the way you look at things and broadens your view.. The path in front of you is clear and open with nothing blocking your way.  Understanding that all that takes place around you is part of your journey and you must release any limiting beliefs that you have about yourself and be at peace with what is. 

Love and Light,

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