Monday, February 18, 2013

The Way of Balance

Spirit wants you to know you've been given the great power to reason and the capacity for knowledge and understanding.  Your intellect provides you with judgment, rational thinking, and the ability to handle new and difficult situations.  This is a gentle reminder to use it wisely.  Let your mind provide you with the helpful information that you need at any given moment.  Be cautious of getting caught up in the thinking process for its sake alone.  Do not allow yourself to over-think out of fear, self-doubt, or worry.  You must learn to balance your ability to learn and reason with your ability to feel and express emotion.  Thought alone is not enough. You must tap into the information from your heart, your own inner knowing, and allow your heart the opportunity to speak to you along with your intellect to balance any choices that you have.  You have been given the power of the mind but remember to give your heart equal time as well.  Both are necessary to keep you on track.  Let them carry you.  Sometimes your heart will propel you forward and your mind will steer you along your course; other times it will be your curiosity or passion that drives you and your heart that keeps you from straying.  It is important that you trust yourself with this privilege to choose to be guided by your intellect or by your heart.  You must remember one without the other will never secure your best interests for your highest and greatest good. 

Meditation for the Day:  I honor the experiences that have manifested in my life.  I accept my inner knowing along with the support and balance of my own intuition.  I accept responsibility for my decisions or choices and aim always to learn the way of balance. 

In Love and Light,

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