Thursday, February 21, 2013

Self Protection

Spirit wants you to know that it's time for you to take a look at the way that you love yourself.  Do you love yourself unconditionally, without criticism or judgment?  Do you compromise yourself or your happiness for other people?  Imagine yourself as a child and you are the father or mother of that child.  Would you allow people to treat that child with disrespect, or to be taken advantage of, or to be treated harshly?  The answer is that you would do everything within your power to comfort and protect that child from harm.  You are being asked to look at your safety and protection, to take steps to protect yourself from internal and external interference while keeping your self esteem intact.  Reinforce your strengths and abilities, and deflect anything that diminishes your sense of your higher purpose.  As you open and express your higher self you open yourself to accelerated lessons and growth experiences.  You may find yourself facing some difficult teachers among the people with whom you come in contact.  You may find yourself confronting issues you'd prefer to keep quietly buried.  Sometimes we feel we have missed opportunities to face a particular lesson in our life.  It is time to free yourself from the attitude that internalizes every situation and interaction.  Remember the people in your life have their own challenges and driving forces.  You are not always at the center of their actions or decisions.  Be kind and loving to yourself and be understanding of others.  If you've been thinking about removing yourself from a situation or relationship it is now time to do so.  Ask for internal guidance.  If there is no need to remain in an uncomfortable and unsupportive relationship, job, or circumstance get out and move on to the next step.  You must always remember to love and protect yourself from any unneeded negativity or frustrations.  Remember, you choose.  You have the power and control always.

Love and Light,

Meditation of the Day:  I seek and trust my own inner guidance during times of change.  I find within these changes the opportunity to be myself without compromise, without fear.  I am truly free. 

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