Monday, March 25, 2013


Spirit wants you to know that your prayers and desires are being heard; to not lose faith or heart, you are on the road to resolving an issue or issues in your life.  Decisions will be made regarding these issues and you will be able to move toward a successful conclusion with confidence and clarity.  The doubts and the worries that have cluttered your mind will begin to resolve allowing you to make firm decisions without being pulled into two directions.  Allow the peace to reside in your heart as you resolve all conflict in these areas.  You will become lighter and free from burden as you release the weight of this issue.  Stop living in the past and allow your higher self to guide you.  You must know and have faith that you will be able to move beyond these issues or conflicts and soon you will have resolution. 
Stop criticizing and judging yourself for being the cause of these conflicts.  Allow yourself to be open to receive the guidance and new perspective from your higher self; feeling gratitude for the knowledge and experience that has blessed your life.  This experience has allowed you to become a new and more confident person.

Love and Light,

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